Sunday, June 26, 2011

Objects of Power: Dice List

*All die have a cool down time that is enforced after use
·      D4
- Deals max damage for weapons that use d4
-Used in item drop. Allows for a treasure reroll. (Only able to roll 4 times for chance to get a better treasure)

·      D6
-Deals max damage for weapons that use d6
- Gives bonus to all stats (Roll to get a 1,2, or 3 point bonus to all stats)
      **Easter Egg! 1 in 136 chance of plus 6 to all stats

·      D8
-       Deals max damage for weapons that use d8

·      D10
-       Deals max damage for weapons that use d10
-    Controls encounters/enemies you fight:

-(might be more powerful/might be less powerful)

·      % Die
-       POSSIBILITY: (must have D10) all treasure pick ups increase by 1 or 2 ranks

·      D12
-deals max damage for weapons that use d12
-Lonely: All damage dice are temporarily increased to D12s

·      D20
-Automatically rolls a 20 on an attack roll
**A crtitical is still a 1 in 20 chance
-       On skill checks you get a max roll
-       On saving throws  you get max roll

·      God’s Eye:
-pulls to an overhead gridded view of the map and allows you to see upcoming enemies and limited terrain.
·      Far Sight:
-Allows you to zoom in great distances eliminating all barriers to your sight.
·      Portals:
-Creates portals that allow quick travel
·      Call Party Members:
-Calls potential party members to wherever you are
·      Turnbased:
-Reverts to turnbased system (equivilant to time slow spell)

**Certain dice let you check certain abilities (insight, god’s eye, spot check etc.)
(ex: terrain disappears and you can see a certain distance around you)


Friday, June 17, 2011

Title Sequence Storyboard

This is our storyboard  the the opening title for Gob's Rebellion. It's obviously likely to change throughout the process of making the game, but it's gotta start somewhere! :)

 (On the first page, the first box is actually box number 5. Each box has a number next to it indicating their order. They appear from left to right.)

The list you see following this describes the opening scene by scene. The numbers in the list match up with the numbers beside each box.

Opening Storyboard: Page 1
1.)  Candle flickers as glowing script appears as if it is being written in the air
“Every war has its champion…and there are always those who never get to see that light…”
2.)  Camera slowly pans over a D&D book with dice and a figurine lit by flickering candle light. More glowing script appears.
“The fallen continuously fight a pointless battle…while the victorious will forever conquer…”
3.)  Off screen the candle is blown out. (faint wind whistling is heard only as it goes out but then there is complete silence.) The screen goes black with the outing of the candle. More glowing script appears to be writing itself across the screen.
“But every champion has its flaws…Who will stand up and fight?”
4.)  (still silent) Flickering candlelight illuminates a close up of an empty tabletop from off screen. (The sound of a clacking die is heard.)
5.)  (Still silent save for die clacking) A d20 rolls into view from top right corner of the screen.
6.)  The die lands with the 20 facing up
7.)  The silence is broken as the camera quickly zooms in closer and closer to the die, picking up speed as it does so.
8.)  The camera zooms directly into the 0 of the 20. (Almost as if it were a portal)
9.)  As the camera passes through the 0, an image of the back of a goblin’s head appears.
10.)                 The camera continues to zoom into the goblin with great speed. The goblin begins to turn around.
11.)                 (Still hastily zooming) the goblin notices how fast the camera is approaching.
12.)                 (still zooming, the goblin’s face takes up the screen) the goblin’s face is in a panic but does not have time to react.
13.)                 “Camera lens” hits goblin in the face.
14.)                 Goblin bounces off the screen and dizzily falls backwards.
15.)                 Then he falls down and off screen.
16.)                 A dust cloud puffs up from the bottom of the screen where he fell.

(End Page 1)

Opening Storyboard: Page 2

17.)                 Gob dizzily wobbles to his feet, dust cloud dispersing.
18.)                 He brushes himself off, still a bit dazed.
19.)                 Recovered, he looks around and smiles.
20.)                 Gob reaches up off screen for something.
21.)                 He looks up frustrated and struggles with whatever he is tugging at.
22.)                 Bits of rubble and dust clouds start falling around him as he stops tugging and stares up off screen confused for a moment.
23.)                  The title “Gob’s Rebellion” (which will look much cooler later on) suddenly falls from off screen along with bits of rubble and more dust. Obviously, the Gob is terrified as he’s knocked down once again.
24.)                 The title hangs in the top portion of the screen as the dust around it begins to settle.
25.)                 Gob dizzily and slowly tries to stand up again…
26.)                 Only to stand up right into the title…
27.)                 And wobbly fall right back down again.
28.)                 His fall creates more dust clouds around the title.
29.)                 The dust clouds cover the screen…
30.)                 Then are suddenly whisked away in every direction.
31.)                 Behind the dust, the screen is black and once it is all gone the entire screen is dark.

(From this moment, the black fades into the first cut scene for Gob where it fades into goblins marching all geared up for battle)

(End Page 2)

The Many Faces of Gob

Here's Gob sketched out in cartoon form. I decided to work on (just a few) of his many expressions. This is something that makes a game stand out in my opinion. If characters show emotion on their faces, it tends to make cut scenes and such much more interesting.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

this is the link to the monster handbook 3.

ps i have almost everything dnd if you need it also i have your names on the page for you to do.