Sunday, June 26, 2011

Objects of Power: Dice List

*All die have a cool down time that is enforced after use
·      D4
- Deals max damage for weapons that use d4
-Used in item drop. Allows for a treasure reroll. (Only able to roll 4 times for chance to get a better treasure)

·      D6
-Deals max damage for weapons that use d6
- Gives bonus to all stats (Roll to get a 1,2, or 3 point bonus to all stats)
      **Easter Egg! 1 in 136 chance of plus 6 to all stats

·      D8
-       Deals max damage for weapons that use d8

·      D10
-       Deals max damage for weapons that use d10
-    Controls encounters/enemies you fight:

-(might be more powerful/might be less powerful)

·      % Die
-       POSSIBILITY: (must have D10) all treasure pick ups increase by 1 or 2 ranks

·      D12
-deals max damage for weapons that use d12
-Lonely: All damage dice are temporarily increased to D12s

·      D20
-Automatically rolls a 20 on an attack roll
**A crtitical is still a 1 in 20 chance
-       On skill checks you get a max roll
-       On saving throws  you get max roll

·      God’s Eye:
-pulls to an overhead gridded view of the map and allows you to see upcoming enemies and limited terrain.
·      Far Sight:
-Allows you to zoom in great distances eliminating all barriers to your sight.
·      Portals:
-Creates portals that allow quick travel
·      Call Party Members:
-Calls potential party members to wherever you are
·      Turnbased:
-Reverts to turnbased system (equivilant to time slow spell)

**Certain dice let you check certain abilities (insight, god’s eye, spot check etc.)
(ex: terrain disappears and you can see a certain distance around you)


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